chapter 3

Chapter 3 

I also have mastered biokinesis to the point I have altered my body, combined with potentikinesis I have given myself all the abilities and changes that I wanted. Allowing me the transcendance and ascendance and become something more than human. I also started using all shifting techniques, like mental shifting, phantom shifting and the highest one physical shifting. At the end of the day it granted me with the augmentation, that I got through both biokinesis and potentikinesis. My body was completely changed well still having all my mental and spiritual faculties with humanity intact. 

I used to suffer from a blood disorder the blood disorder disappeared due to my genetic augmentation, that made me genetically perfect as well as through potentikinesis. This made me perfect and always both existential and spiritual, as well I even upgraded my own soul to that of a a hybrid between a Deity Soul a dragon soul. That means an Eternal Soul or an unbound soul. That’s after mastering all kinetic abilities and alterations to my body as well shifting to the highest state. 


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